The Positive Effect of Gaming


In the coming years, the gaming world will get a new Grand Theft Auto, new versions of Doom, and other games that get the media up in arms and create tons of articles and report on the negative effects these games are on your child. There is so much negative news about gaming today that many parents are unaware of the positive impact of gaming on children. If you are worried about the potential harm from video games, that is good – that means you are paying attention, but please understand that there are many good things about video games too.

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Playing Video Games Can Improve Concentration Ability

Most gamers learn to block the outside world to get a higher score. This ability can translate into being able to study even when there is noise and learn to focus no matter what is going on around them.

A white video game controller

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Playing Video Games Can Improve Critical Thinking Ability

Gaming can be a great way to improve your critical thinking skills. When you’re playing games, you have to analyze your moves and the moves of other players to stay alive or to build something logically. This helps you learn that doing A causes B, making it easier for you to predict how different actions will affect the outcome of a situation.

That kind of reasoning can translate into real-life situations where you must make quick decisions based on limited information and many variables.

Your Child Can Play Video Games to Help Improves Decision-Making Skills

Starting over a game and playing it again based on what you learned is a great way to improve decision-making skills. Because of experience making choices, including the wrong ones, they become more skilled over time.

Video Game Playing Can Improve Goal Setting Skills

Reaching a goal requires setting goals and then following through with the plan. Gaming helps kids practice this skill as they set up strategies to get to the next level of a game.

Improves Hand-Eye Coordination

As they say, practice makes perfect. It gets better when you use something, including hand-eye coordination in gaming. Military officials like hiring experienced gamers for this reason.

It’s a well-known fact that playing video games improves your hand-eye coordination. That’s why the military and other organizations are always looking for people who have been playing video games for a long time because they know that hand-eye coordination is one of the most important skills you can have as an employee. If you work at a restaurant or if you’re a bartender and you’re trying to make drinks quickly and accurately, then it would really help you if you have good hand-eye coordination!

Improves Health Outlook

Naturally, you probably think that this cannot be true. But kids who are ill already, such as having cancer or other illnesses that keep them from being able to play with kids one-on-one, experience better health through gaming due to a better mental outlook.

A close up of a keyboard

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Playing Action Video Games, Can Improves Motor Skills

The skills you use in gaming are often considered fine motor skills. They can use their finger and thumb together to accomplish a task. Gaming improves these skills exponentially. Fine motor skills are the ability to control the small muscles of your fingers, hands, and wrists. The ability to perform fine-motor tasks is essential for everyday living, such as using utensils or writing. It also helps us with activities like playing an instrument, using tools or computers, or driving a car.

Researchers found that video games can improve your fine motor skills by improving your hand-eye coordination and speed of processing information from different brain parts at once. This is because video games require players to interact with buttons on a controller or keyboard to move characters around in game worlds, which requires coordinating muscle movements between two hands simultaneously while keeping track of what’s happening in both eyes at once (one eye sees what’s happening on screen while another look keeps watching over reality). This skill is crucial for success at many other tasks requiring fine motor control, such as writing legible letters/numbers/words, etc.

Improves Problem-Solving Skills

Gaming has been found to improve problem-solving skills. This can be because games put problems right in front of the gamers they solve. When playing the game, they need to figure things out, resolve conflicts, overcome roadblocks, and make decisions to be successful in the game. The experience of solving a problem and getting a reward by moving up a level or getting points or something of value helps increase those cognitive skills. That can lead to better grades.

Social Skills Improve by those that Played Video Games

It might seem like it’s not true, but otherwise, introverted kids who in the “old days” would be stuck up in their room reading books are now actually socializing with their friends via games.

Playing Video Games Can Improve the Ability to Work in Teams

Many games are team-focused, so your child can get accustomed to working in groups via the game. This is a great skill to develop because it helps them in a job.

Games are often played with a group of people, and this can teach your child how to work together with others. Working in teams is an essential skill for any job, so this is an excellent opportunity for your child to learn how it works.

Many games require players to cooperate to win, meaning they’ll need to talk through problems and come up with solutions that everyone can agree on. This will help them develop social skills and empathy for others’ feelings when playing online together.

A group of people sitting at a table with laptops

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Of course, every single benefit and positive effect of gaming comes with the clarification that achieving these positive effects means that as a parent, you are involved and talk openly to your kids. You are paying attention to what is happening with gaming – including how gaming ratings, limits, and parental involvement help improve the positive effects experienced by gamers.

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