What Parents Need to Know about Holiday Stress and Kids


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According to a C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital national poll, one in five parents says their stress level ruins the holidays for their kids. We want to think of the holidays as joyful, but they can also be challenging for many families.

Each year, TV ads start sooner, and the toys cost more. There are also new pressures now with trying to avoid crowds and deal with a possible recession.

How can you celebrate the season without becoming overwhelmed?

Try these tips for making the holidays more peaceful for you and your family.

Clarify priorities

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Be selective about which activities and events you participate in. Ask yourself what gives your family the most joy. Give your kids options to choose from.

Share responsibilities

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Help your family work together as a team. Share the load with your partner. Assign age-appropriate jobs to each child and put them in charge of their areas.

Stick to your budget

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Spend only what you can afford, so you won’t have to start the New Year deep in debt. That might mean shortening your gift list or saving money ahead of time for holiday expenses.

Take time off

Request a day or two of leave time to help you squeeze additional commitments into your schedule. Use the time to get organized and work on lengthier projects.


This year, make the holidays more fun and meaningful for you and your family. Reduce seasonal stress by simplifying your schedule and taking care of your well-being.

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