Protect Yourself While Shopping Online


The convenience of shopping online can also place your identity, credit cards, and checking account information into the hands of the unscrupulous. The good news is that there are some effective strategies to follow to protect yourself while shopping online. Use these tips to keep your information safer while purchasing your favorite items and gifts online.

Avoid opening hotlinks and attachments, even if they appear to be coming from a business you trust

Hackers can mail virus-filled links using spyware or phishing from websites they’ve constructed to look like your bank’s website or favorite boutique.


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Be smart about your smartphone.

Use your phone’s passcode system. It’s another way to discourage hackers from obtaining personal information. The hacker will move on to the next person who isn’t using a passcode.

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Pay close attention to monthly statements.

Go through each statement line by line. Be sure you recognize each charge. If you cannot identify it, contact the credit card company immediately to inquire.

Refrain from online shopping while in your favorite coffee shop or diner

Such public Wi-Fi networks are a hacker’s dream. The hacker might just be having coffee at the table next to you.

Change passwords often

This one is tough but worth the effort. Use capital and lowercase letters with numbers and symbols. Use character names from your favorite play, book, or TV show. You can use terms from your favorite sport. Strive for passwords with 10 to 14 characters.

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Take a few simple steps to protect your information and keep your identity and credit cards safe when shopping online. These tips should help you avoid becoming a victim of fraud while keeping your shopping experience safe, secure, and convenient.

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