Over the Holidays, Remember to take Care of Yourself


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Everyone tends to gain weight during the holidays, no matter how much they try to avoid it. This can become quite discouraging, but there are ways you can prevent this from happening over the holidays, focus on protecting your mental and physical health and allowing yourself to enjoy all desserts on your agenda (whether it is Christmas, Thanksgiving, or just a regular holiday)

Limit sweets

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Enjoy your favorite holiday treats without going overboard. Watch your portion sizes and eat a balanced diet for the rest of the day.

Drink responsibly

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Parties and stress can lead to consuming more alcohol than you intended. Make a plan and write it down, like allowing yourself a maximum of 2 cocktails a night.

Be active

A person's legs on a treadmill

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You might need more time to visit the gym and take fitness classes. Try taking your kids ice skating or snowshoeing. Wake up early and exercise at home while they’re still asleep.

Maintain routines

Do you relax the rules about bedtimes, snacks, and watching TV when school is out? A consistent schedule may help your family stay nourished and rested.


It is easy to become overwhelmed and neglect your health throughout the holidays. Instead of focusing on eating well and sleeping enough, you could be rushing around town, seeing family and friends, or even hosting a large party. Either way, you are likely caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season. However, ignoring your physical and mental health could make all aspects of your life more difficult. Take these tips to heart so you can enjoy your holidays without sacrificing your most vital needs.

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