Holiday Dieting Tips – How to Have Fun and Stay Healthy


The holidays are a special time for all, and you should take the time to indulge yourself. However, at the same time, you should keep your health in mind because it’s easy to be tempted into going overboard.

It starts with Halloween and all the extra treats lingering in your candy bowl. Then we’re led into Thanksgiving, where the average person will ingest over three times the number of calories they should be eating, or even more.

Then the winter holidays come along. Family togetherness usually equals lots of snacking and appetizers and big meals. Also, don’t forget all the baked treats! Can you eat all of these things? The answer is yes, but in moderation.

Follow these tips to help you stay in control of your fork

Go in with a Plan

Before you succumb to temptation, tell yourself how much you’re allowed to eat. In the weeks following Halloween, save yourself ten pieces of candy to eat. Give the rest away to coworkers and neighbors. For Thanksgiving and other family holidays, allow yourself to indulge in one item, such as the appetizers or the dessert – not both.

Don’t Be Too Strict

While you may be tempted to be tough on yourself during other times of the year, the holidays are a time you should allow for some relaxation from the strict behavior. Don’t try to get through the entire evenings without enjoying any of the food. The starvation diet only works for so long until you fail and over-consume. Work on your moderation skills instead.

Don’t Punish Yourself

Everyone makes mistakes. If you do slip up and overeat one day, it won’t make much of a difference in the long run. Just tell yourself that you’ll try harder next time. Don’t be tempted just to give up and continue the poor eating decisions. When you have many bad days in a row, you can ruin a good diet plan.

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Watch the Alcohol Intake

It’s true; alcohol usually flows freely at holiday events. You can indulge yourself here as well. While you may be able to get away with having a few drinks spread out over the evening, remember that the calories add up. Consider alternating between alcoholic beverages and pure, refreshing water.

Plan Healthy Meals

If you’re hosting any of the holiday events, consider using healthier alternatives to some popular meals. Healthy doesn’t always mean bland or unappealing. Get creative and try some new recipes.

Remember to Take Breaks

During a long evening with family and friends, sometimes you’ll lose track of your eating habits. Make it a point to take breaks where you know there isn’t a plate or a drink in your hand. Concentrate on the conversations you’re having instead.

Eat Before You Go

If you’re off to a holiday event at someone else’s house, eat something healthy before you leave. This is especially important if you know you’ll be tempted by all the unhealthy treats available. If you aren’t starving when you show up, you won’t feel such an urge to begin eating.

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Just remember to have a good time! If you’re bummed about not getting to eat everything that you want, concentrate on all the other aspects of the holidays. There are many other fun activities to engage in that don’t involve eating!

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