The Importance of Core Strength


Many of us are well accustomed to the development of the glory muscles. Muscles like the chest, shoulders, quads, and glutes will always get special attention in the gym – but how many people train their core correctly?

Yes, you see others doing simple exercises like leg raises and crunches to work their “abs,” but when we say core, we mean something different.

Think of the core as an entire muscular system that spans the whole surface of the stomach and back. The core is a system of muscles that starts at the hips and runs up to the ribcage – supporting the body the entire course without fault.

Many people have a weak core, which can lead to back pain, hip pain, and even upper back and neck pain.

Training your core is essential for these main reasons

Your core is your stability.

Whenever you’re doing an exercise with a load on your back, shoulders, or overhead, your core is the primary muscular system that provides stability.

    • Think of it as the bridge between your upper and lower body. If the bridge is weak, the connection between the two (upper and lower body) will not be nearly as effective as it could be. Training your core is essential for stability in your significant overhead movements.
    • A weak core means a weak squat and a weak overhead press. If you’re a strength athlete, this is something you need to look for.

Your core helps you run.

Since the middle links the upper and lower body together, it will act as synergists in nearly every step. A strong nature means a robust and efficient runner.

    • The core will also help to absorb shock. When you’re running, your body is impacted with about 40 x your weight on each stride.
    • If your goal is to run a long distance, you must have a strong core.

A strong core makes you look great.

Lastly, the center is essential because a strong core looks excellent. Your heart is vital to your overall well-being but training the body for strength and physique is also necessary.

Having a great core is more diet than training, but when both ideas meet in harmony, you’ll have a body built for strength and success in any setting.

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Core Strength – A Crucial Element

Core strength is essential for balance, stability, body strength, weightlifting, and running goals. This core muscle system appeals to the aesthetics of training. Plus, it helps keep your back, neck, and hips pain-free.

This is one system that cannot go unnoticed in your training program.

For best results, try and hit your core for about 60 minutes of training each week. Dedicated ab sessions, rather than 5 minutes after each workout, also show better strength returns.

The best time to pair core work is at the end of a leg training session. Pair your core training with all your leg workouts and watch as you grow more robust in the core and every fitness aspect.

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For many, “core strengthening” is something they do to avoid pain down the road. This is important, but we’re going to focus on a different aspect—why core strength is essential for generating force, injury prevention, and athletic performance.

Start training for core strength today. You’ll like the way you feel!

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