Video Game Terms Explained For Parents


As a parent, you want to understand your child’s world. The video game world can be complicated because of the vocabulary  usekids or gamers use. Video Game terms are used in different gaming games, which may be hard to understand. However, if you are an avid gamer, you know what gamers mean when saying a sure thing. The primary gaming terms are explained here; you must understand if you want to communicate with your children or anyone who loves gaming. These are some of the most common gaming terms.

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Easter Eggs

An Easter Egg has been around for some time, which means that the programmers hide features from the gamers and don’t mention them in the game’s marketing. The players know they’re there and love searching for and finding them.

A picture containing person, sitting, indoor, young

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Triple AAA

When a game has a big-money backer and praise from all sides – from gamers to critics of gaming, it’s considered Triple-A or (Triple AAA or AAA Games). This is a suitable designation because it means the game has widespread appeal. This doesn’t mean it will be a good game, just a video game made with more resources.


This gaming term means what you think it does. You’ve probably heard it when you think of going to work and grinding, meaning working hard. To hone in on a game says that you are trying to raise your points or a new level by tackling one aspect of the game to learn more.  A child playing video games

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When a game has been released too soon (and even if it hasn’t been), it sometimes still has “bugs” (or issues with the game code) that cause it to malfunction. This usually leads to your characters’ death or makes it harder to play the game until the bugs are overcome. This can also be used to give a player an unfair advantage.

Downloadable Content (DLC)

This means it can be purchased and downloaded from the Internet after you buy the game software. It can be bonus content, and it might be for additional money.

First Person Shooter (FPS)

A game where you play as a character from the first-person perspective. In other words, you see the world through your character’s eyes. The rest of the world is seen through what they see.

The most popular First Person Shooter Games include:

  • Call of Duty
  • Battlefield
  • Fortnite
  • Overwatch

Role Playing Game (RPG)

An RPG is a type of video game that allows players to take on the role of characters in a fictional world and make decisions for them. Some popular RPG Games include “Final Fantasy” and “Dragon Age.”

Experience Points (EXP)

Experience points measure how much players have progressed in a particular game. The more experience points they have, the more powerful their character becomes.

Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)

This is a term used to describe games where players interact with one another in open worlds. This term refers to online games where you take on a role or character, and you can play with others online.

MMORPGs can be played on the Internet or through a network, and most have some form of a persistent world. This means that even when the player logs off, their character will still exist in the game world, and they’ll be able to interact with other players even if they aren’t online at the same time.


Multiplayer Games

These are played by more than one player at the same time. This can happen in various ways, and each type of multiplayer game has its own rules for how players compete against each other.

They can be played online or on the same computer.

Some multiplayer games include:

  • Minecraft
  • Roblox
  • Fortnite

Online Games

Online games are games played online on the Internet. They can be played on a computer, tablet, or phone. Some online games are free to play, while others require payment to access. This includes services such as Microsoft Game Cloud, Amazon Luna, and mobile cloud. These services bring full gaming to mobile devices but are still in an online environment.

End Game

This term is the portion of a game where the player has reached the highest level and can no longer level up. This content is available to players who have reached a high level and end the game. It can include new challenges, new items for sale, or new areas to explore.

Some content includes Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft (WoW).

Random Number Generator (RNG)

RNG is a feature in games that allows the game to generate a random number and use that number to determine the outcome of a situation.

Some examples include:

  • Dota 2 (This game uses RNG to determine which items you get when you open your loot box.)
  • Gwent (In this card game, RNG is used to determine the outcome of a battle.)

E Sports

The term is used to describe competitive video gaming. It’s also sometimes called “competitive gaming.” It’s a growing industry that includes people who play games like League of Legends, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike.

Some popular games include:

  • League of Legends
  • Dota 2
  • Counter-Strike

Noob or Noobie

This means someone is a new player without much skill and experience. Usually, they ask questions that the experienced players like to make fun of online.

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This means the person who has been pawned (sometimes abbreviated as pwned) or owned has been dominated or beaten convincingly.


Finally, one way to find out terms used and their meaning is to do a Google search like this: “Name of game terms.” This will enable you to learn the terms precisely for that one game. Suppose your child is very involved in a competition. In that case, it’s essential to understand those terms so you can talk to them about their gaming experiences without confusion. The main thing is to learn the words, withhold judgment, and speak to your child about what it all means to them.

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