Foods to Eat On the Keto Diet


For those of us new to the ketogenic (or “keto”) diet, the grocery store can quickly become overwhelming. While we all know that meat, fish, eggs and vegetables should be staples of any well-balanced diet, doing keto means cutting out bread, pasta and many foods that are not high in fat or protein. But how exactly does one do that? The simplest answer is to focus on buying foods high in fat and protein. Fortunately for us, there is no shortage of both!

Protein foods, like meat and fish.

Protein is an important nutrient for muscle growth and maintenance. It also helps you feel full, which can help you stay on track with your keto diet. Protein stimulates the production of certain hormones that help the body burn fat and build muscle.

To get enough protein in your diet, choose foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy products (including cheese), nuts and seeds — all of which contain varying amounts of protein per serving size.

Boost your calorie consumption with nuts and seeds.

Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of healthy fats that can be included in your diet. They’re also high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, protein, as well as healthy fats. A handful of nuts with a piece of fruit or a small salad will provide you with more calories than you need to meet your energy needs for the day. Nuts are so nutrient-dense that they tend to be quite filling too!

Try eggs as well as dairy products made from whole milk.

Eggs are a great source of protein that you can cook any way you want. They can be made into an omelette, scrambled, or “fried” in the form of an egg sandwich. However, do not eat fried eggs or egg yolks (which contain more fats). Also avoid eating egg whites, as they are low in nutrients and high in carbs. Lastly, don’t eat egg substitutes like Egg Beaters or Tofu Puffs; these foods are not very nutritious and often contain chemicals that may be harmful to your body over time.

Cut out sugar completely and then add back in some berries.

This is the most important part of the diet, because it will help you avoid the dreaded “keto flu.” I know it sounds counterintuitive, but bear with me: You should start your diet by cutting out all sugars (including fruit) for a few days until your body has adapted to burning fat instead of carbs. Once that happens, you can reintroduce low-sugar fruits like berries into your diet without having to worry about feeling sick. Berries are high in antioxidants and fiber—two things that will keep your body healthy and functioning optimally on a ketogenic diet!

Use olive oil and coconut oil.

Don’t be afraid to use olive oil and coconut oil. While both contain saturated fat (which can raise bad cholesterol), they also have high amounts of monounsaturated fats, which can lower your risk for heart disease. And while coconut oil has a lot more calories than olive oil, it also contains lauric acid, which is known to boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. Plus, extra virgin olive oil contains polyphenols—natural antioxidants that are linked with reduced inflammation and decreased risk of cancer and diabetes!

Make a grocery list based on these foods to help you stay on track with the Keto Diet

The second step to sticking to your Keto Diet is making sure that you have everything available to make the food you need.

This means making a list of the items you need and getting them into your home.

It also means planning out how you will prepare those foods, and when they’ll be eaten.

Finally, it means planning how those leftovers will be stored so that they don’t go bad before they can be eaten again!


The best way to ensure that you’re sticking with the Keto Diet is by making a grocery list based on these foods. You’ll be less likely to overindulge in snacks or treats if you have a plan for the week ahead of time.

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